Friday, May 16, 2008

Wait and see

I am not located in a hospitable environment right now. Machismo is falling all over the place and I am feeling so creepy that after all these years, I would still find fellows who think that the world revolves around them and that everyone will bow down to them.

One guy I know had a terrible relationship with a woman whom he ordered around to be his caregiver while he was having problems of making his gf stay with him in the house. When the girl did, he made the woman their maid. Imagine, aftrer being a caregiver, she became a servant, literally to the couple. I am glad that she has moved out of the house to get her bearings again.

I don't have to tell you about the other guy. But there are also hidden guys trying to manipulate my life, peering into everything I do so that my personal life has been so affected that I refuse to look at anyone. Surprisingly, the guys I find most likeable have effeminate qualities but are not gay. The balance of yin and yang in their personhood is very engaging. So while talking to them, I find myself not feeling intimidated, and that I could easily reveal what I feel to them.

In the midst of all the convoluted political situation we are in, I take note of every opposite sex I meet to find out how they are reacting. Some meet them head on. Others avoid the situation, clam up, and let others do the talking. But later on, some of them do stand up.

Wait and see. Wait and see is the best policy.

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